The Making of a Corporate Athlete

adminNews, nieuws

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwarz spent working with world-class athletes. In effect, they realized, that executives in organisations are “corporate athletes.” If they were to perform at high levels over the long haul, they posited, they would have to train in the same systematic, multilevel way that world-class athletes do.

In a corporate environment that is changing at warp speed, performing consistently at high levels is more difficult and more necessary than ever. Narrow interventions simply aren’t sufficient anymore. Companies can’t afford to address their employees’ cognitive capacities while ignoring their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. On the playing field or in the boardroom, high performance depends as much on how people renew and recover energy as on how they expend it, on how they manage their lives as much as on how they manage their work. When people feel strong and re-silent—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—they perform better, with more passion, for longer. They win, their families win, and the corporations that employ them win.

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