During 2016 in the United States alone, corporations spent $360b on learning and development, yet only 12% of employees indicated application of new skills. Nearly 90% of employees reported no application of new skills and 75% of employees reported no improved performance at all.

Othor is a world leader in combining neuroscience and predictive sciences into mental health and growth aptitude tools.

After refining our goals over 15 years with trained experts in the fields of Neurology, BioTech, Sports Health, and Artificial Intelligence, Othor has developed predictive tools that assist your organisation in identifying mental health issues and growth mindset issues before they occur.

Our tools are simple, elegant, and allow both an individual snapshot and a corporate dashboard to view where resources are best spent. With mental wellness being a top priority in the post Covid-19 world, we aim to fill the gap between work and health.

Our Tools

Our Process

Measurement or scan


  • 01

    Map out the workability level in your organisation with the help of online tools. We screen the development of employees, teams and organisations on the basis of scientifically substantiated online tests. Employees get a picture of who they are and how they stand in their work. We also test for motivation, mental resilience and physical sensation. This screening results in a work action plan for the organisation.

  • 02

    We offer guidance in carrying out the scan tailored to the customer. We do this by means of accompanying information sessions.

  • 03

    We monitor the workability in the organisation and monitor changes in this area.

  • 04

    Your results and how they evolve over time are immediately available online.


  • 05

    You have the ability to test or train at any time of the day via your PC or Tablet, whether at home, on the road or abroad.

  • 06

    Frequent training sessions are encouraged to optimize results and deliver you a dynamic snapshot of your evolving mental health and aptitude.

report and follow up


  • 07

    The guidance may also include:
    (1) reporting on workability;
    (2) drawing up a workability plan: prioritising the measures or improvement projects included in the plan;
    (3) monitoring and following up workability changes.

  • 08

    Workable work? The Flemish government gives a boost. More information: https://www.vlaanderen.be/werkbaarheidscheque-en-verhoging-kmo-portefeuille/werkbaarheidscheques-en-verhoging-kmo-portefeuille-mijn-onderneming-registreren.